GeoComputation Conference series.


International Steering Group

To contact the group, or for enquires about the conference series, please email the group secretaries: Dr Andy Evans or Prof Alison Heppenstall.


Prof Itzhak Benenson - Geosimulation and Spatial Analysis lab, Tel Aviv University, Israel

Prof George Benwell - University of Otago, NZ

Prof Dan Brown - University of Michigan, USA

Mr Doug Caldwell - U.S. Engineer Research and Development Center, USA

Dr Catherine Dibble - University of Maryland, USA

Dr Andrew Evans - University of Leeds, UK

Prof Stewart Fotheringham - National University of Ireland, Ireland

Prof Mark Gahegan - Pennsylvania State University, USA

Mrs Jacky Hartnett - University of Tasmania, AUS

Dr Shawn Laffan - University of New South Wales, Australia.

Prof Brian Lees - Australian National University, AUS

Prof Paul Longley - University College London, UK

Dr Richard Pascoe - University of Canterbury, NZ

Dr David Pullar - University of Queensland, AUS

Dr Ian Turton - Pennsylvania State University, USA

Dr Peter Whigham - University of Otago, NZ

Prof Dawn Wright - Oregon State University, USA