GeoComputation Conference Proceedings |
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on GeoComputation
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
17 - 19 September 1998
Sponsored by University of Bristol, U.K.; University of Oxford, U.K.;
University College Cork, Eire; Intergraph Corp.
The following papers were first published on CD-ROM.
Produced by: R.J.Abrahart.
Publisher: "GeoComputation CD-ROM".
ISBN 0-9533477-0-2
Papers |
Neural Network vs. ARMA Modelling: constructing benchmark case studies of river flow prediction Robert J. Abrahart and Linda See |
New Tools for Neurohydrologists: using 'network pruning' and 'model breeding' algorithms to discover optimum inputs and architectures Robert J. Abrahart, Linda See and Pauline E. Kneale |
A Geomarketing Decision Support System Based on Fuzzy Set Theory Paulo H. Afonso, Mário R. Gomes and M. Graça Abrantes |
A Combinatorial Fuzzy Set-Theoretic Approach to the Mapping Between Quantitative and Qualitative Data Jochen Albrecht and Hans Guesgen |
Simple Spatial Analysis of Complex Multivariate Airborne Geophysical Data Ann-Marie Anderson-Mayes |
Application of structural pattern-recognition techniques to infer urban land use from Ordnance Survey digital map data Stuart Barr and Mike Barnsley |
Tools for Effective Use of Geological Map Data: A Topic for GeoComputation Research? G. F. Bonham-Carter and J. Broome |
Hierarchical Spatial Reasoning: a GeoComputation Method Adrijana Car |
Upscaling suspended-sediment flows in disturbed rainforest terrain: role of localised new sources Nick A. Chappell, Paul McKenna, Kawi Bidin, Ian Douglas and Rory P.D. Walsh |
Spatial Data Quality Control through the use of an Active Repository Sophie Cockcroft |
Learning Cellular Automata: Modelling Urban Modelling Antonio Colonna, Vittorio Di Stefano, Silvana Lombardo, Lorenzo Papini and Giovanni A. Rabino |
Modelling the roles of magnitude and frequency in the evolution of an upland catchment T.J.Coulthard, M.J.Kirkby and M.G.Macklin |
Physically-based River Basin Modelling Within a GIS: The LISFLOOD Model A.P.J. De Roo, C.G. Wesseling and W.P.A. Van Deursen |
Emergence and erosion: a model for rill initiation and development David Favis-Mortlock, John Boardman, Tony Parsons and Bruce Lascelles |
Mapping tropical forest biophysical properties from coarse spatial resolution satellite sensor data: applications of neural networks and data fusion Giles M. Foody and Doreen S. Boyd |
The Classification of Complex Geographic Datasets: An Operational Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Decision Tree Classifiers Mark Gahegan and Geoff West |
Development of Land Vehicle Tracking System with GPS and Client/Server Structured Spatial Data Processing Eun-Young Han and Young-Do Joo |
Considering (mis-)representation in geodemographics and lifestyles Rich Harris |
Assessing the Degree of Spatial Isomorphism for Exploratory Spatial Analysis Alec Holt, Stephen G. MacDonell and George L. Benwell |
Computational agents and urban life spaces: a preliminary realisation of the time-geography of student lifestyles Otto Huisman and Pip Forer |
Towards an ontology of fields Karen K. Kemp and Andrej Vckovsky |
3D Geographical Analysis within JAVA/VRML-based GIS: "Lantern" Operation Kyong-Ho Kim, Kiwon Lee and Jong-Hun Lee |
On the Automated Generalization of Road Network Maps Marc van Kreveld and Jarno Peschier |
Visualising Neural Network Training in Geographic Space Shawn W. Laffan |
Modelling Environmental Influences on Property Prices in an Urban Environment Iain R. Lake, Andrew A. Lovett, Ian J. Bateman and Ian H. Langford |
The Complex Characteristic Form Model and its Applications Hung Fei Lei |
Scale and the spatial structure of landform: optimising sampling strategies with geostatistics Christopher D. Lloyd and Peter M. Atkinson |
Converting Point Estimates of Daily Rainfall onto a Rectangular Grid Steven D. Lynch |
| The use of Flocks to drive a Geographic Analysis Machine James Macgill and Stan Openshaw |
Self evaluating generalisation algorithms for the derivation of multi-scale products from UKBORDERS data of the census William Mackaness, Alistair Edwardes and Tim Urwin |
Integration of High Resolution Topographic Data with Floodplain Flow Models Kate Marks and Paul Bates |
Towards the Development of a Documentation Structure for Modelling Spatial Processes Andrew J. Marr, Samuel Mann, Stephen MacDonell and George L.Benwell |
Modelling the Collapse of Metastable Loess Soils H. Miller, Y. Djerbib, I.F. Jefferson and I.J. Smalley |
Multilevel Analysis Of The Geography of Health Inequalities: Using Better Geographies Richard Mitchell, Simon Gleave and Mel Bartley |
Coupling of Thermal and Hydrologic Models for Arctic Regions on Parallel Processing Architectures Don Morton, Larry D. Hinzman, Elizabeth K. Lilly, Ziya Zhang and Doug Goering |
Valuing Location in an Urban Housing Market Scott Orford |
Parallel Distributed Processing for Digital Terrain Analysis Philip J. Rallings, J. Andrew Ware and David B. Kidner |
A spatial solution to Ecological Site Classification for British Forestry using Ecosystem Management Decision Support Duncan Ray, Keith Reynolds, John Slade and Simon Hodge |
Investigation of the Effects of Input Uncertainty on Population Forecasting Phil Rees and Ian Turton |
Scales and similarities in runoff processes with respect to geomorphometry Jochen Schmidt, Kirsten Hennrich and Richard Dikau |
An Integrated Neuro-Fuzzy-Statistical Approach to Hydrological Modelling Linda See, Robert J. Abrahart and Stan Openshaw |
A Framework for Update Process in GIS Laurent Spéry |
The Use of GIS as a Decision Support Tool for Evaluating Fragmentation by Roads Carola Stauch |
Quantifying Chaos in the Atmosphere: the use of ensembles of General Circulation Model Integrations Richard Washington |
An object-based urban simulation model for interactive visualisation Chris Webster, Fulong Wu and Sheng Zhou |
A Mini-Raster Data Structure for Representing and Reasoning with Spatial Objects in Satellite Image R.N.Williams and J.S.Hartnett |
Digital Terrain Models - Traps for the Unwary S.M.Wise |
Automatic Generation of Software Supporting the Integration of GIS and Modelling Systems Paul M. Yates and Ian D. Bishop |
Downscaling Land Surface Parameters for Global Soil Erosion Estimation Using no Ancillary Data Xiaoyang Zhang, Nick Drake and John Wainwright |
Geometric Feature-based Edge-Matching Xin Chang Zhang |
A Flexible Tool to Extract Algorithmic Knowledge From Image Interpretation Experts Paul Crowther and Jacky Hartnett |
The role of visualization in the exploratory spatial data analysis of area-based data Stephen Wise, Robert Haining and Paola Signoretta |