GeoComputation Conference Proceedings


Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on GeoComputation
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
17 - 19 September 1998

Sponsored by University of Bristol, U.K.; University of Oxford, U.K.; University College Cork, Eire; Intergraph Corp.

The following papers were first published on CD-ROM. Produced by: R.J.Abrahart. Publisher: "GeoComputation CD-ROM". ISBN 0-9533477-0-2



Neural Network vs. ARMA Modelling: constructing benchmark case studies of river flow prediction
Robert J. Abrahart and Linda See


New Tools for Neurohydrologists: using 'network pruning' and 'model breeding' algorithms to discover optimum inputs and architectures
Robert J. Abrahart, Linda See and Pauline E. Kneale


A Geomarketing Decision Support System Based on Fuzzy Set Theory
Paulo H. Afonso, Mário R. Gomes and M. Graça Abrantes


A Combinatorial Fuzzy Set-Theoretic Approach to the Mapping Between Quantitative and Qualitative Data
Jochen Albrecht and Hans Guesgen


Simple Spatial Analysis of Complex Multivariate Airborne Geophysical Data
Ann-Marie Anderson-Mayes


Application of structural pattern-recognition techniques to infer urban land use from Ordnance Survey digital map data
Stuart Barr and Mike Barnsley


Tools for Effective Use of Geological Map Data: A Topic for GeoComputation Research?
G. F. Bonham-Carter and J. Broome


Hierarchical Spatial Reasoning: a GeoComputation Method
Adrijana Car


Upscaling suspended-sediment flows in disturbed rainforest terrain: role of localised new sources
Nick A. Chappell, Paul McKenna, Kawi Bidin, Ian Douglas and Rory P.D. Walsh


Spatial Data Quality Control through the use of an Active Repository
Sophie Cockcroft


Learning Cellular Automata: Modelling Urban Modelling
Antonio Colonna, Vittorio Di Stefano, Silvana Lombardo, Lorenzo Papini and Giovanni A. Rabino


Modelling the roles of magnitude and frequency in the evolution of an upland catchment
T.J.Coulthard, M.J.Kirkby and M.G.Macklin


Physically-based River Basin Modelling Within a GIS: The LISFLOOD Model
A.P.J. De Roo, C.G. Wesseling and W.P.A. Van Deursen


Emergence and erosion: a model for rill initiation and development
David Favis-Mortlock, John Boardman, Tony Parsons and Bruce Lascelles


Mapping tropical forest biophysical properties from coarse spatial resolution satellite sensor data: applications of neural networks and data fusion
Giles M. Foody and Doreen S. Boyd


The Classification of Complex Geographic Datasets: An Operational Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Decision Tree Classifiers
Mark Gahegan and Geoff West


Development of Land Vehicle Tracking System with GPS and Client/Server Structured Spatial Data Processing
Eun-Young Han and Young-Do Joo


Considering (mis-)representation in geodemographics and lifestyles
Rich Harris


Assessing the Degree of Spatial Isomorphism for Exploratory Spatial Analysis
Alec Holt, Stephen G. MacDonell and George L. Benwell


Computational agents and urban life spaces: a preliminary realisation of the time-geography of student lifestyles
Otto Huisman and Pip Forer


Towards an ontology of fields
Karen K. Kemp and Andrej Vckovsky


3D Geographical Analysis within JAVA/VRML-based GIS: "Lantern" Operation
Kyong-Ho Kim, Kiwon Lee and Jong-Hun Lee


On the Automated Generalization of Road Network Maps
Marc van Kreveld and Jarno Peschier


Visualising Neural Network Training in Geographic Space
Shawn W. Laffan


Modelling Environmental Influences on Property Prices in an Urban Environment
Iain R. Lake, Andrew A. Lovett, Ian J. Bateman and Ian H. Langford


The Complex Characteristic Form Model and its Applications
Hung Fei Lei


Scale and the spatial structure of landform: optimising sampling strategies with geostatistics
Christopher D. Lloyd and Peter M. Atkinson


Converting Point Estimates of Daily Rainfall onto a Rectangular Grid
Steven D. Lynch


The use of Flocks to drive a Geographic Analysis Machine
James Macgill and Stan Openshaw


Self evaluating generalisation algorithms for the derivation of multi-scale products from UKBORDERS data of the census
William Mackaness, Alistair Edwardes and Tim Urwin


Integration of High Resolution Topographic Data with Floodplain Flow Models
Kate Marks and Paul Bates


Towards the Development of a Documentation Structure for Modelling Spatial Processes
Andrew J. Marr, Samuel Mann, Stephen MacDonell and George L.Benwell


Modelling the Collapse of Metastable Loess Soils
H. Miller, Y. Djerbib, I.F. Jefferson and I.J. Smalley


Multilevel Analysis Of The Geography of Health Inequalities: Using Better Geographies
Richard Mitchell, Simon Gleave and Mel Bartley


Coupling of Thermal and Hydrologic Models for Arctic Regions on Parallel Processing Architectures
Don Morton, Larry D. Hinzman, Elizabeth K. Lilly, Ziya Zhang and Doug Goering


Valuing Location in an Urban Housing Market
Scott Orford


Parallel Distributed Processing for Digital Terrain Analysis
Philip J. Rallings, J. Andrew Ware and David B. Kidner


A spatial solution to Ecological Site Classification for British Forestry using Ecosystem Management Decision Support
Duncan Ray, Keith Reynolds, John Slade and Simon Hodge


Investigation of the Effects of Input Uncertainty on Population Forecasting
Phil Rees and Ian Turton


Scales and similarities in runoff processes with respect to geomorphometry
Jochen Schmidt, Kirsten Hennrich and Richard Dikau


An Integrated Neuro-Fuzzy-Statistical Approach to Hydrological Modelling
Linda See, Robert J. Abrahart and Stan Openshaw


A Framework for Update Process in GIS
Laurent Spéry


The Use of GIS as a Decision Support Tool for Evaluating Fragmentation by Roads
Carola Stauch


Quantifying Chaos in the Atmosphere: the use of ensembles of General Circulation Model Integrations
Richard Washington


An object-based urban simulation model for interactive visualisation
Chris Webster, Fulong Wu and Sheng Zhou


A Mini-Raster Data Structure for Representing and Reasoning with Spatial Objects in Satellite Image
R.N.Williams and J.S.Hartnett


Digital Terrain Models - Traps for the Unwary


Automatic Generation of Software Supporting the Integration of GIS and Modelling Systems
Paul M. Yates and Ian D. Bishop


Downscaling Land Surface Parameters for Global Soil Erosion Estimation Using no Ancillary Data
Xiaoyang Zhang, Nick Drake and John Wainwright


Geometric Feature-based Edge-Matching
Xin Chang Zhang


A Flexible Tool to Extract Algorithmic Knowledge From Image Interpretation Experts
Paul Crowther and Jacky Hartnett


The role of visualization in the exploratory spatial data analysis of area-based data
Stephen Wise, Robert Haining and Paola Signoretta