Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on GeoComputation
Papers | ||||||
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Agent-based simulation of cognitive neighbourhoods in large-scale geographical environments Agarwal, P. and Abrahart, R.
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Embracing Peer-to-Peer and Small-Worlds Networks to lower barriers for participating within a Global GeoCommunity Arciniegas, C.
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Simulating urban growth dynamics in Latin American cities Barros, J.
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The robustness of human-driven urban systems Benenson, I. and Hatna, E.
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Geographic automata systems: a new paradigm for integrating GIS and geographic simulation Benenson, I. and Torrens, P.M.
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Variable Resolution Spatial Interpolation using the Simple Recursive Point Voronoi Diagram Boots, B. and Feick, R.
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Implications of input data scaling for predictions of Phosphorus loss at the catchment scale Brazier, R.E., Heathwaite, A.L. and Liu, S.
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Modelling Runoff and Erosion In Semi-arid Areas from the Hillslope to the Catchment Scale Brazier, R.E., Wainwright, J., Parsons, A.J. and Powell, D.M.
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Per-pixel uncertainty for change detection using airborne data Brown, K.
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Geocomputation : Research ON GIS or research WITH GIS? Burrough, P.
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Analysis and Visualization of Visibility Surfaces Caldwell, D.R., Mineter, M.J., Dowers, S., and Gittings, B.M.
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Aggregation as a means of reducing raster data uncertainty Carmel, Y.
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Prototype GIS Application in Delta Morphometry Chalkias, C., Karymbalis, E.
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The Limits of Simplicity: Toward Geocomputational honesty in Urban Modeling Clarke, K.C.
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A Statistical Semantic Approach for Analysing Change using LCMGB and LCM2000 Comber, A.J., Fisher, P.F. and Wadsworth, R.A.
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3D Cloud Field Retrieval And Data Fusion Cornford, D. and Jones, L.
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Sparse, Sequential Bayesian Geostatistics Cornford, D. Csato, L. and Opper, M.
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Developing Smart Spatial Systems Using CommonKADS Crowther, H.
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A NN Knowledge based Model on Land Use Dynamics Diappi, L. and Bolchi, P.
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Spatio-temporal Difference in Model Outputs and Parameter Space as Determined by Spatial Extent of Calibration Dietzel, C.
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From concepts to DATA and back again Gahegan, M., Dai, X., Macgill, J., Oswal, S. and Pike, W.
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The use of a Geographical Information Systems and Artificial Neural Network Methodology for Mapping Erosion Risk in the Almeria Region, Southeast Spain Goldsmith, K.
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Brains vs. Braun – Comparative strategies for the calibration of a Cellular Automata – Based Urban Growth Model Goldstein, N.C.
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Assessment of the production and economic risks of site-specific liming using geostatistical uncertainty modelling Goovaerts, P.
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Sharing feature based geographic information - a data model perspective Greenwood, J. and Hart, G.
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The effect of spatial resolution on the empirical atmospheric correction of airborne remotely sensed imagery Hamm N., Atkinson, P., and Milton, E.
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Towards the Modelling of Sustainable Cities with Multi-reactive Agents Hammam, Y., Moore, T., Whigham, P. and Freeman, C.
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Visualisation of uncertainty using the HSI colour model: computations with the colours Hengl, T.
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A Hybrid Multi-agent/Spatial Interaction Model System for Petrol Price Setting Heppenstall, A., Evans A. and Birkin, M.
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Improving the update of geospatial information databases from imagery using semi-automated user-guidance techniques Holland, D. and Tompkinson, W.
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Mapping of European Soil Erosion: The PESERA- RDI model. Irvine, B. and Kirkby, M.
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Exploring changing voting patterns through panel data: a multi-level approach Jones K., Burgess S., Johnston, R., Propper, C. and Sarker, R.
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Visualising Uncertainty in Geographic Data using Hierarchical Spatial Data Structures Kardos, J., Moore, A. and Benwell, G.
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Geostatistical Prediction/simulation of Point-support values from Areal Data Kyriakidis, P.C. and Yoo, E-H
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A Geostatistical Framework for Accuracy Assessment of Remotely Sensed Land-cover Information Kyriakidis, P.C. and Zhang, J.
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Sparse Grids: A New Tool for Analysing Geographic Data Laffan, S.W., Silcock, H., Nielsen, O. and Hegland, M.
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Handling Support Problems in Accuracy Assessment of an Environmental Process Model Leopold, U., Heuvelink G.B.M., Tiktak, A.
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Modelling Erosion on Conditionally-simulated Dems of Bare Soil Surfaces Lloyd, C. and Favis-Mortlock, D.
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Gis-based Visualization Of The Potential Impacts Of Climate Change On Rural Landscapes Lovett, A., Dockerty T., Sünnenberg, G. and Appleton, K.
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Fuzzy object identification using texture based segmentation of high-resolution DEM and remote sensing imagery of a coastal area in England Lucieer, A. Fisher, P. and Stein, A.
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GeoComputation: A Coordination-Oriented Approach Luo, J. and Gahegan, M.
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Modeling Past Vegetation Change Through Remote Sensing and G.I.S: A comparison of Neural Networks and Logistic Regression Methods Mahiny, A. S., and Turner, B. J.
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Uncovering spatial feedbacks at alpine treeline using spatial metrics in evolutionary and simple simulations Malanson, G.P. and Zeng, Y.
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Constrained Voroni Diagram and Application Malek, M.R.
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The Geopark in Sardinia: a fuzzy spatial analysis for assessing the development tendency Manca, G. and Pireddu, L.
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Mining Association Rules in Spatio-Temporal Data Mennis, J. and Liu, J.
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High-throughput Computing to Enhance Intervisibility Analysis Mineter, M.J., Dowers, S., Caldwell, D.R, and Gittings, B.M.
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A System for Video-Based Spatiotemporal Data Capture, Query and Visualisation: The case of Team Games Moore A., Whigham P., Holt A,, Aldridge C. and Hodge K.
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The use of the Circle Tree for the efficient storage of polygons Moore A., Whigham P., Mason C. and Thompson-Fawcett M.
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Parameter scaling of hydrological, soil-erosion and nutrient parameters at three different spatial scales Muller, M.N., Wainwright, J. and Parsons, A.J.
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An adaptation of response surface methodology Odoni, N.A. and Darby, S.E.
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Development of Integrated Spatial Analysis System Using Open Sources Ono, H. and Murayama, Y.
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geoXwalk – A Gazetteer Server and Service for UK Academia Reid, J.
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A 3-dimensional, GIS-BASED Model OF historical GROUNDWATER AND slope stability Schmidt, J.
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Surface Networks: Extension of the Topology and Extraction from Bilinear Surface Patches Schneider, B.
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Cafcam: Crisp and Fuzzy Classification Accuracy Measurement Software Shalan, M.A., Arora, M.K. and Elgy, J.
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The Effect of Changing Grid Size in the Creation of Laser Scanner Digital Surface Models Smith, S.L, Holland, D.A, and Longley, P.A
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Sampling Design for Assessing Accuracy of Change Detection Stehman, S.
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Linking Transport and Land Use Planning: The Microscopic Dynamic Simulation Model Ilumass Strauch, D., Gräfe, J., Moeckel, R., Wegener, M., Mühlhans H., Rindsfüser, G. and Beckmann, K.
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Spatially And Temporally Realistic Modeling For The Effects Of Water, Light And Temperature On Tree Population Spread Svoray, T., and Nathan, R.
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Patterns of spatial dependence and heterogeneity and the scale of urban deprivation Tobón C. and Longley, P.
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Using Open Standards To Build A Web Based Gis For Public Use Turton, I and Southall, H.
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Modelling Landuse Development Using Multi-Agent Systems Turton, I.
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Storing and using multi-scale topological data efficiently in a client-server DBMS environment Vermeij, M., van Oosterom, P., Quak, W. and Tijssen, T.
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Unstructured Surface Mesh Generation for Geological Structures With Subdivision Surface Modelling Wang Y., Wilkinson P., Anderson, M.G. and Renaud J.-P.
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Tools for web-based GIS mapping of "fuzzy" vernacular geography Waters, T. and Evans, A.
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Modelling of geomorphological processes in an alpine catchment Wichmann, V. and Becht, M.
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Prediction uncertainty in elevation and its effect on flood inundation modelling Wilson, M.D. and Atkinson, P.M
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A comparison of remotely sensed elevation data sets for flood inundation modelling Wilson, M.D. and Atkinson, P.M
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Integrated Dynamic Urban Evolution Modeling Xie, Y.
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Compressed Irregular Triangulation Network for Level_of_Detail Visualization Yang, B.
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Uncertainties in Urban Simulation using Cellular Automata and GIS Yeh, A.G-O and Li, X.