GeoComputation Conference Proceedings


Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on GeoComputation
University of Southampton,
United Kingdom
8 - 10 September 2003

Sponsored by The Ordnance Survey, Taylor and Francis, Wiley, Quantitative Methods Research Group of the RGS/IBG, The AGI and PCI Geomatics.

The following papers were first published on CD-ROM. Produced by: D.Martin. Publisher: "GeoComputation CD-ROM".



Agent-based simulation of cognitive neighbourhoods in large-scale geographical environments
Agarwal, P. and Abrahart, R.


Embracing Peer-to-Peer and Small-Worlds Networks to lower barriers for participating within a Global GeoCommunity
Arciniegas, C.


Simulating urban growth dynamics in Latin American cities
Barros, J.


The robustness of human-driven urban systems
Benenson, I. and Hatna, E.


Geographic automata systems: a new paradigm for integrating GIS and geographic simulation
Benenson, I. and Torrens, P.M.


Variable Resolution Spatial Interpolation using the Simple Recursive Point Voronoi Diagram
Boots, B. and Feick, R.


Implications of input data scaling for predictions of Phosphorus loss at the catchment scale
Brazier, R.E., Heathwaite, A.L. and Liu, S.


Modelling Runoff and Erosion In Semi-arid Areas from the Hillslope to the Catchment Scale
Brazier, R.E., Wainwright, J., Parsons, A.J. and Powell, D.M.


Per-pixel uncertainty for change detection using airborne data
Brown, K.


Geocomputation : Research ON GIS or research WITH GIS?
Burrough, P.


Analysis and Visualization of Visibility Surfaces
Caldwell, D.R., Mineter, M.J., Dowers, S., and Gittings, B.M.


Aggregation as a means of reducing raster data uncertainty
Carmel, Y.


Prototype GIS Application in Delta Morphometry
Chalkias, C., Karymbalis, E.


The Limits of Simplicity: Toward Geocomputational honesty in Urban Modeling
Clarke, K.C.


A Statistical Semantic Approach for Analysing Change using LCMGB and LCM2000
Comber, A.J., Fisher, P.F. and Wadsworth, R.A.


3D Cloud Field Retrieval And Data Fusion
Cornford, D. and Jones, L.


Sparse, Sequential Bayesian Geostatistics
Cornford, D. Csato, L. and Opper, M.


Developing Smart Spatial Systems Using CommonKADS
Crowther, H.


A NN Knowledge based Model on Land Use Dynamics
Diappi, L. and Bolchi, P.


Spatio-temporal Difference in Model Outputs and Parameter Space as Determined by Spatial Extent of Calibration
Dietzel, C.


From concepts to DATA and back again
Gahegan, M., Dai, X., Macgill, J., Oswal, S. and Pike, W.


The use of a Geographical Information Systems and Artificial Neural Network Methodology for Mapping Erosion Risk in the Almeria Region, Southeast Spain
Goldsmith, K.


Brains vs. Braun – Comparative strategies for the calibration of a Cellular Automata – Based Urban Growth Model
Goldstein, N.C.


Assessment of the production and economic risks of site-specific liming using geostatistical uncertainty modelling
Goovaerts, P.


Sharing feature based geographic information - a data model perspective
Greenwood, J. and Hart, G.


The effect of spatial resolution on the empirical atmospheric correction of airborne remotely sensed imagery
Hamm N., Atkinson, P., and Milton, E.


Towards the Modelling of Sustainable Cities with Multi-reactive Agents
Hammam, Y., Moore, T., Whigham, P. and Freeman, C.


Visualisation of uncertainty using the HSI colour model: computations with the colours
Hengl, T.


A Hybrid Multi-agent/Spatial Interaction Model System for Petrol Price Setting
Heppenstall, A., Evans A. and Birkin, M.


Improving the update of geospatial information databases from imagery using semi-automated user-guidance techniques
Holland, D. and Tompkinson, W.


Mapping of European Soil Erosion: The PESERA- RDI model.
Irvine, B. and Kirkby, M.


Exploring changing voting patterns through panel data: a multi-level approach
Jones K., Burgess S., Johnston, R., Propper, C. and Sarker, R.


Visualising Uncertainty in Geographic Data using Hierarchical Spatial Data Structures
Kardos, J., Moore, A. and Benwell, G.


Geostatistical Prediction/simulation of Point-support values from Areal Data
Kyriakidis, P.C. and Yoo, E-H


A Geostatistical Framework for Accuracy Assessment of Remotely Sensed Land-cover Information
Kyriakidis, P.C. and Zhang, J.


Sparse Grids: A New Tool for Analysing Geographic Data
Laffan, S.W., Silcock, H., Nielsen, O. and Hegland, M.


Handling Support Problems in Accuracy Assessment of an Environmental Process Model
Leopold, U., Heuvelink G.B.M., Tiktak, A.


Modelling Erosion on Conditionally-simulated Dems of Bare Soil Surfaces
Lloyd, C. and Favis-Mortlock, D.


Gis-based Visualization Of The Potential Impacts Of Climate Change On Rural Landscapes
Lovett, A., Dockerty T., Sünnenberg, G. and Appleton, K.


Fuzzy object identification using texture based segmentation of high-resolution DEM and remote sensing imagery of a coastal area in England
Lucieer, A. Fisher, P. and Stein, A.


GeoComputation: A Coordination-Oriented Approach
Luo, J. and Gahegan, M.


Modeling Past Vegetation Change Through Remote Sensing and G.I.S: A comparison of Neural Networks and Logistic Regression Methods
Mahiny, A. S., and Turner, B. J.


Uncovering spatial feedbacks at alpine treeline using spatial metrics in evolutionary and simple simulations
Malanson, G.P. and Zeng, Y.


Constrained Voroni Diagram and Application
Malek, M.R.


The Geopark in Sardinia: a fuzzy spatial analysis for assessing the development tendency
Manca, G. and Pireddu, L.


Mining Association Rules in Spatio-Temporal Data
Mennis, J. and Liu, J.


High-throughput Computing to Enhance Intervisibility Analysis
Mineter, M.J., Dowers, S., Caldwell, D.R, and Gittings, B.M.


A System for Video-Based Spatiotemporal Data Capture, Query and Visualisation: The case of Team Games
Moore A., Whigham P., Holt A,, Aldridge C. and Hodge K.


The use of the Circle Tree for the efficient storage of polygons
Moore A., Whigham P., Mason C. and Thompson-Fawcett M.


Parameter scaling of hydrological, soil-erosion and nutrient parameters at three different spatial scales
Muller, M.N., Wainwright, J. and Parsons, A.J.


An adaptation of response surface methodology
Odoni, N.A. and Darby, S.E.


Development of Integrated Spatial Analysis System Using Open Sources
Ono, H. and Murayama, Y.


geoXwalk – A Gazetteer Server and Service for UK Academia
Reid, J.


A 3-dimensional, GIS-BASED Model OF historical GROUNDWATER AND slope stability
Schmidt, J.


Surface Networks: Extension of the Topology and Extraction from Bilinear Surface Patches
Schneider, B.


Cafcam: Crisp and Fuzzy Classification Accuracy Measurement Software
Shalan, M.A., Arora, M.K. and Elgy, J.


The Effect of Changing Grid Size in the Creation of Laser Scanner Digital Surface Models
Smith, S.L, Holland, D.A, and Longley, P.A


Sampling Design for Assessing Accuracy of Change Detection
Stehman, S.


Linking Transport and Land Use Planning: The Microscopic Dynamic Simulation Model Ilumass
Strauch, D., Gräfe, J., Moeckel, R., Wegener, M., Mühlhans H., Rindsfüser, G. and Beckmann, K.


Spatially And Temporally Realistic Modeling For The Effects Of Water, Light And Temperature On Tree Population Spread
Svoray, T., and Nathan, R.


Patterns of spatial dependence and heterogeneity and the scale of urban deprivation
Tobón C. and Longley, P.


Using Open Standards To Build A Web Based Gis For Public Use
Turton, I and Southall, H.


Modelling Landuse Development Using Multi-Agent Systems
Turton, I.


Storing and using multi-scale topological data efficiently in a client-server DBMS environment
Vermeij, M., van Oosterom, P., Quak, W. and Tijssen, T.


Unstructured Surface Mesh Generation for Geological Structures With Subdivision Surface Modelling
Wang Y., Wilkinson P., Anderson, M.G. and Renaud J.-P.


Tools for web-based GIS mapping of "fuzzy" vernacular geography
Waters, T. and Evans, A.


Modelling of geomorphological processes in an alpine catchment
Wichmann, V. and Becht, M.


Prediction uncertainty in elevation and its effect on flood inundation modelling
Wilson, M.D. and Atkinson, P.M


A comparison of remotely sensed elevation data sets for flood inundation modelling
Wilson, M.D. and Atkinson, P.M


Integrated Dynamic Urban Evolution Modeling
Xie, Y.


Compressed Irregular Triangulation Network for Level_of_Detail Visualization
Yang, B.


Uncertainties in Urban Simulation using Cellular Automata and GIS
Yeh, A.G-O and Li, X.